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Open Full Burial List

Open Veterans Burial List

All burials are listed in alphabetic order by last name on the Burial Listing Page along with their birth date, death date, age and burial location by Section and Lot #.   You can scroll up or down to search for the name if you are not sure of the spelling.  Click the button above or below to open the Burial Listing Page.

  • Listings printed with Red names are cenotaphs. Cenotaphs are memorial markers erected in honor of a person whose remains lie elsewhere .
  • Listings with NS in the 5th column (Stone) have no headstone or marker on the grave.
  • Listings with a B, B+ or B- have a biography about them on Find-A-Grave.

HeadstoneTo search for a specific name, press Ctrl + F and a search box will appear at the top or bottom of the page.   Type the LAST name of the person you are looking for in the box and you will be taken directly to those names.  Use the ↑ up and ↓ down arrows in the search box to move to the next name in that search.

Once you know the Section and Lot# of your loved ones burial location, you can find where they are buried by using our Cemetery Map which shows the sections of the cemetery and also contains detailed maps of the lot locations within each section with the name of the owner of the lot.

All the known burials for Grove Cemetery are also on  By clicking on the person’s name in the burial list, you will open the memorial that has been created for them on  Click the back button on your browser to return to the Burial Listing Page when you are finished.

At, not only can you find a loved one, but also links to other family members along with stories and obituaries for many of the burials.  99.9% of the graves in Grove Cemetery have been photographed and are posted on Find a Grave so you’ll be able to see your loved one’s burial location and headstone.  

If you have additional information to share, a picture, a story or you see an error, please contact us  with the added or corrected information so we can make the necessary changes.


  • If you’re not sure how to spell the name, enter the first 3 or so letters of the last name.  For example, if you are looking for Van Valkenburg, enter “Van” in the search box.  The search will highlight all the last names that have Van in it.  E.g. Van Buren, Van Valkenburg, Vanderveen, VanWormer, etc.  You can narrow your search from there.
  • Some names are spelled differently through the years.  For example, the last name Wilber is frequently spelled Wilbur as well.  Or Gage is sometimes spelled Gaige.  So try different spelling variations of the name if you don’t find them immediately.

Still can’t find them?  Use the Contact Us page on this website and let us know who you are looking for.  We’ll search our records and get back to you as soon as possible with any information we have on file.

We hope you find your loved one and enjoy using this site.  Click the button below to go to the Burial Listing Page.

Open Full Burial List

Open Veterans Burial List